Sweet Libations: Zymurgorium Sweet Violet Gin

Last year I attended the Gin Festival at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange. Yes, it was as amazing as it sounds! A whole festival dedicated to fantastic gins from all over the world.
buy Lyrica online ireland It was at the festival that I first sampled Zymurgorium’s Sweet Violet Gin and had to buy a bottle right there and then.
crestor 20 mg price cvs This sweet and fragrant gin liqueur has been flavoured with Violet and it is just superb. Every time I taste it, I’m thrown back to childhood with the familiar and somewhat nostalgic taste of Parma Violets.
Zymurgorium Sweet Violet Gin, Gin Review, Gin Blog Edinburgh
It’s sweet and flavourful and I found it most enjoyable as a treat either before or after dinner. As it is quite sweet, I wouldn’t recommend more than one or two glasses at a time. That’s why I really enjoy it as a precursor to dinner or with desert.
This gin was a definite hit with the family and our guests over the festive period and at any dinner parties we have. It was great for entertaining and became a great talking point around the dinner table.

http://constructorapi.com/10-strategies-for-planning-an-n Personally, I think the best way to enjoy this gin is either neat or with just a dash of tonic. 
Zymurgorium Sweet Violet Gin, Cocktails, Gin Review, Gin Blog Edinburgh
I’ve found that if you take a shot of the Sweet Violet Gin and a shot of tonic and serve with a large block of ice it creates the perfect drink everytime.
If like me, you’re a fan of sweet drinks and cocktails, I think this is the gin for you. It’s the perfect combination of sweetness without that sugary overload where you feel like you need to clean your teeth immediately after.
A thoroughly enjoyable (and delicious) gin liqueur!


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