Food Allergies in Medicines...
Have you ever heard the Hippocrates quote, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."? You know where you keep yourself healthy with food and use it to cure whatever is wrong with you instead of turning to man made drugs. I'm all for it. And that may seem to be contrary to my typical food adverse self however drugs scare me because of the hidden food proteins contained in them! Okay so before I sound crazy if you aren't aware there are always other things in medicine. Preservatives, stabilizers, mixers, and especially for kids flavorings, etc. Those extras can be food proteins and although in most people aren't enough of the protein to cause a reaction it is enough for my kids and everyone with allergies should be aware! My one son was recently hospitalized for pneumonia and his antibiotic that he received via IV was working well until we switched him to the caplets to come home. He began reacting. The caplets contained lactose. My other son experienced...